Dec 10, 2012

Exhibition 2012

Our exhibition was increadible!!
The kids really enjoyed!!
I am very proud of my students, they are great artists!
Thank you all for attending the event!

   Picture frame

  Wire sculpture

Painting - inspired by Joan Miró

   Drawing with oil pastel inspired by Van Gogh.

Vik Muniz

 Bird house

  Funny Faces

 Recycled papers inspired by Beatriz Milhazes

 Snow man made of used cups

Group painting inspired by Jackson Pollock

Arthur won the painting (lucky boy) =)

 Our team

Nov 13, 2012


This week we made a collage using recicled papers.
The theme was based on Beatriz Milhaze's work.

Milhazes is known for her work juxtaposing Brazilian cultural imagery and references to western Modernist painting.
The daughter of a lawyer and an art historian, Milhazes was born in Rio de Janeiro in 1960.

Click here to know more about this artist.

Oct 22, 2012

Joan Miró

Joan Miró i Ferrà  (April 20,1893 – December 25,1983) was a world renowned Spanish Catalan painter, sculptor, and ceramist who was born in the sea port city of Barcelona.
Miro was the son of a watchmaking father and a goldsmith mother, he was exposed to the arts from a very young age. There have been some drawings recovered by Miro dating to 1901, when he was only 8 years old. Miro enrolled at the School of Industrial and Fine Arts in Barcelona until 1910; during his attendance he was taught by Modest Urgell and Josep Pascó.
After overcoming a serious bout of typhoid fever in 1911, Miro decided to devote his life entirely to painting by attending the school of art taught by Francesc Galí. He studied at La Lonja School of Fine Arts in Barcelona, and in 1918 set up his first individual exhibition in the Dalmau Galleries, in the same city. His works before 1920 (the date of his first trip to Paris) reflect the influence of different trends, like the pure and brilliant colors used in Fauvism, shapes taken from cubism, influences from folkloric Catalan art and Roman frescos from the churches.


 If you would like to know more about this artist click here!

Oct 12, 2012

Happy children's Day

Quanta sorte a minha
poder ver esse sorriso doce
receber esses abraços sinceros todos os dias

Quanta sorte a minha
poder ouvir "senti sua falta" quando não pude ir ao trabalho

Quanta sorte a minha
poder contar qualquer história
e ver aqueles olhos abertos cheios de curiosidade e poder deixar aquele momento gravado na memória

Quanta sorte a minha
poder educar, dar conselhos, ajudar a resolver problemas, incentivar e confortá-los quando precisam

Quanta sorte a minha
Acordar cedo e não ficar o dia todo num computador com um chefe chato cobrando relatórios rsrss

Quanta sorte a minha poder estar com essas crianças, e fazer do meu dia, um dia muito mais alegre e divertido.

Eu amo minhas crianças!
Eu amo ser professora!

Eu tenho um sonho de um dia todas as crianças poderem ter uma família digna e poderem ir a escola todos os dias!!

Oct 1, 2012

Jackson Pollock

Today we used Pollock's technique.

The kids REALLY enjoyed!

If you want to watch his work click here

  Moms and Dads, sorry for the mess and the dirty clothes!

Paul Jackson Pollock (January 28, 1912 – August 11, 1956), known as Jackson Pollock, was an influential American painter and a major figure in the abstract expressionist movement. He was well known for his uniquely defined style of drip painting.