Sep 28, 2012

Vik Muniz

This week we started to work on a project based on
 Vik Muniz's technique. 
We used crepe paper to make flowers and background!
This work is inspired in Andy Warhol's work.

This work was exposed at ArtRio, September 2012.
 When i saw it, i thought...
 WOW my kids can do this!!!
And they DID it!
It's almost ready!! =)

Vicente José de Oliveira Muniz, known as Vik Muniz. 
Born 1961, São Paulo, Brazil, is a visual artist that lives in New York City.
Muniz began his career as a sculptor in the late 1980s.  
He became best known for his series Pictures of Chocolate and Pictures of Junk.
Vik Muniz often appropriates the images that serve as the basis for his artworks 
from works by other well-known artists. 
For example, Muniz used jelly and peanut butter in the creation of the
 work Mona Lisa, by Leonardo da Vinci.

Sep 10, 2012

Vincent Van Gogh - September 10th

Today we learned a little bit of Vincent Van Gogh's biography and his paintings.
We watched a video and saw pictures of his work at a power point presentation.
The kids loved learning about the artist's life and the "little accident" that happened to his ear LOL
It is very good for them to learn a bit of the artist's history , see their works and be able to recognize them around the world.

If you want to check out Van Gogh's website click here. 

Sep 6, 2012

Independence Day!

Dia da independência do Brasil!!

There are many ways to make a Brazilian flag... Can you make one?!

Have a great Holiday!!!

Sep 4, 2012

Picture frame - September 3rd

Today we decorated the picture frame with buttons, and started to work on our T-shirt!
It looks very nice, and the kids made all by themselves!

From now on, we can wear it every Monday =)